The master or the slave
Goddamn that's so cliché
But no less true
Inspiration from seclusion
Inspiration from domination and ownership
Pinned down by sniper-fire-of thoughtless pigs
By the mundane judgmental droolings
Of goose-step-sleepwalkers
Or tingling skin
Eager for the next moment's
Of simple moving air
Wafting splendid-luxurious-scents
From beautiful passerby
This is what it's like
Inside the head, the heart, the...
It's all the same and nothing more
Than a metaphor
When in that moment
The whining hum
Of Mania
Blisters otherwise arid-mental-skin
This is your moment
You're more than might fit in the room
And no one understands that
There is always something
Looming silently
Beneath the comfortable silence
Of what too many see as still
While the shackles
Of ho-hum day/night
Might skew the onlooker's view
A Lord of Moments
Is looking on
To capture
And fashion anew
The bloom from the torturous
Tilling and hoeing
From seconds eternal
That's noticed by
But a few
I want to eat words
I want to swallow heaps of bursting-at-the-seams-volumes
I want to choke on them
As they try to fight each other
On their way down my esophagus
I want to have to
Wrap my hands around my throat
To squeeze them through
Their syllabic-traffic-nightmare
To their acidic freedom
They've been so fleeting
In the time AF
They're spectres taunting me
Simple phrases
Bound by some
Unseen force
There must be some
Archaic kraft
By which to ingest and regurgitate
Those ghostly words
To the brain
This cloudy fucking coma
Has Stripped me
Left me a mumbling golem
Going through the motions
Of Something other
Something greater than
What was taken
The Shadow hasn't even graced me
I visit there, on occasion
And the other, the greater than
Pulls aside a curtain
And whispers to my
I miss being barely here
The kind of barely here
From which connection is borne
One can no more hunt it down
Than they can eat words
Hoping for a miracle
The master or the slave
Goddamn that's so cliché
But no less true
Inspiration from seclusion
Inspiration from domination and ownership
Pinned down by sniper-fire-of thoughtless pigs
By the mundane judgmental droolings
Of goose-step-sleepwalkers
Or tingling skin
Eager for the next moment's
Of simple moving air
Wafting splendid-luxurious-scents
From beautiful passerby
This is what it's like
Inside the head, the heart, the...
It's all the same and nothing more
Than a metaphor
When in that moment
The whining hum
Of Mania
Blisters otherwise arid-mental-skin
This is your moment
You're more than might fit in the room
And no one understands that
There is always something
Looming silently
Beneath the comfortable silence
Of what too many see as still
While the shackles
Of ho-hum day/night
Might skew the onlooker's view
A Lord of Moments
Is looking on
To capture
And fashion anew
The bloom from the torturous
Tilling and hoeing
From seconds eternal
That's noticed by
But a few
I want to eat words
I want to swallow heaps of bursting-at-the-seams-volumes
I want to choke on them
As they try to fight each other
On their way down my esophagus
I want to have to
Wrap my hands around my throat
To squeeze them through
Their syllabic-traffic-nightmare
To their acidic freedom
They've been so fleeting
In the time AF
They're spectres taunting me
Simple phrases
Bound by some
Unseen force
There must be some
Archaic kraft
By which to ingest and regurgitate
Those ghostly words
To the brain
This cloudy fucking coma
Has Stripped me
Left me a mumbling golem
Going through the motions
Of Something other
Something greater than
What was taken
The Shadow hasn't even graced me
I visit there, on occasion
And the other, the greater than
Pulls aside a curtain
And whispers to my
I miss being barely here
The kind of barely here
From which connection is borne
One can no more hunt it down
Than they can eat words
Hoping for a miracle